I recently went on a trip where the bite was Hot! That’s just the norm though at this time of year in the waters off of Magdalena Bay. Wahoo, Tuna, Marlin, Yellowtail, Grouper we caught them all in just a couple days and lots of them. But, on this trip, I wanted to try something new and test out teaser methods. What we Found with a couple daisy chain teasers…. I cannot undeniably proove it, but we did find that with a teaser in the water the entire spread would get hit more often than without the teasder in the water. We found that without the teaser, one or two lures would get hit by tuna, but with the daisy chain and teaser out, it seemed all lures or most all would go down. Based on these two days of testing and past experience, I believe the teaser worked in some way to put the small school into more of a frnzie as the hookless feathers caused more tuna to try and grab. This created even more action and the entire spread went off with clickers going crazy on what seemed to be all 5 reels when the teaser was out. I have come to a conclusion and will be doing further testing this season, but my plan is to run the Daisy Chain Teaser if Tuna is the goal. **Tuna caught on our Daisy Chain Teasers**