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MagBay Lures creates Big Game Fishing Products by passionate Big Game Anglers for Passionate Big Game Anglers. We take quality and innovation to the next level!

MagBay Product Place Well in Bisbees Tournament 2018

MagBay Product Place Well in Bisbees Tournament 2018

By MagBay Lures

Check out the Video below with the winners of over $78,000 dollars using all Magbay Tackle to place in the tuna Jackpot in Bisbees 2018.

This team is part of the Mexican National team who also represented Mexico in France just less than a month prior in the international tuna tournament for Bluefin Tuna.  There they also used all Magbay Lures gear and placed ninth nationally  In April they will move on to South Africa to continue to compete as some of the worlds absolute best fishermen. Because this is a Mexican national team the video is in Spanish but below are the translations: Video 1: "Good Day, How are you my friends?  In order to sum up regarding the participation of our team in this competition in the Bisbees Offshore,  we placed very well in the Jack Pot.  Thanks to MagBay Lures for all the gear we have gotten from them from their gear, to their lures, their line and their hooks.  The truth is – we are extremely excited to have MagBay products and will continue to use them for all our fishing and tournaments.  Cabo San Lucas was not an exception and we got very good results.  We hope to continue with this type of fishing and we will see you all soon. Thanks" Video 2 (paraphrased): Good Day everyone, we are here at the Bisbees Tournament.  We already did the Bisbees Offshore and now are ere to compete in the Bisbees Black and Blue.  We are team 108 in the boat Mar Sirena.  We are heare ready with everything.  We are in the last minutes, and in just a few minutes the grand event is going to begin.  To begin, we want to give thanks to MagBay Lures for giving us the opportunity to use their gear.  We are extremely happy with their gear, leaders, hooks, etc.  We also used their product in the tournament in France for red tuna where we also got great results.  Here we are ready to go with Magbay in the Bisbees tournament in Los Cabos.  We want to thank everyone and this tournament is about everyone.  Lets see how it goes. Thanks
